Friday, March 23, 2007

A new member to the musical family

After paying off some bills, I have some $$ left from Grandma Rose!
I just ordered this:

Keith will turn it into this:

I wonder what "Dueling Banjos" would sound like with his Banjo and my harp?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Keith is thinking of something BUH-LUUU-OOOO!

It's a good thing I cleaned out the nest boxes a couple of weeks ago.
Because they came back today!
So pretty!

We'll be planting the garden seeds indoors this weekend,
It's getting warmer out, but this is still Montana, and the last frost of the season is possible until late May.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Monday, March 19, 2007

Say Crick not Creek!

Hey B n' P fans!
Here's the news in our neck of the woods;
Heather got the ranch cook job at the Heaven and Earth Ranch!
We were both up there to see the place and it is a gorgeous piece of the Lord's Creation!
You can see pics of this place at

Also I have a new job working for an assisted living home.
I have a new uniform...icky green scrubs!

Every one please join in singing "Like a Surgeon, Hey!"
Weird Al rules!

I am working the graveyard shift, and the transition has been fine since I am naturally a night owl.
A good thing about this schedule is that when I get to Rome (someday), I won't have to change my sleep schedule!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's not nice to call "chicks" "broads"!

I have been shopping for peeps!

Dominique's are gentle birds that like to sit in your lap, and have their bellies scratched!

Arucana's are also called "easter eggers" because they lay blue and green eggs!
Green Eggs and Ham? Sam I Am?

Rhode Island Red's are just cool looking!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

There's a little black spot on your head today!

Well, we are into Lent again, and I am gathering up the meatless recipies I know for Fridays.

Keith is getting to work on our pantry as I type this and the critters are happily chewing their rawhide treats.
We're plotting out an area for a garden, and scheming to get some free trees to plant outside of our fence. Our neighbor said that she didn't mind us planting trees for a wind break. I would really like to get norway spruces, they are the fastest growing.

Spring is coming soon soon soon!

Here's some Lenten PUNishment for your displeasure!

Our lives are ova before they've begun.

My church accepts any denomination. But they prefer tens and twenties.

People who talk about false gods are engaged in idol gossip.

Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused his dentist's Novocain during root canal work? He wanted to transcend dental medication.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Some pictures I meant to put up 2 months ago... and

This pic was taken today, Benny has been enjoying the snow.
I think he looks like he got into powedered sugar!

Heather joined us at Christmastime, and the doggers enjoyed her very much!

We discovered that the Holy Family is very musical! Baby Jesus just needs and accordian and then it will be perfect!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We're Baaaaa-aaaaaack!

Hey, Bushel n Peck fans, were back!

Did ya miss us?

Well, alot has changed at the ranch, including employment status.
The ground is covered with snow, and I am feeding the sparrows and chickadees.

Checkers is hanging in with us and Benny is learning to enjoy the snow!

I have launched a Pampered Chef business, and I'm loving it! Hopefully it can become my only job.
In the mean time, I am looking for work....AGAIN :(

Keith has some banjo students, and he does a great job keeping the house warm, and taste testing my Pampered Chef recipies.

So we are now dreaming of a veggie garden, and of course chickens!
Soon soon soon!

Stay tuned