It's finally done!!!!
There were a few more steps from the last time we left off...
It's a good thing we did the test too, because we discovered that the polyurethane spray yellowed the light blue color on the right side; I am not sure if that shows in the picture.
So we reserved the can of polyurethane for the backside of the board, and then we tested a clear KRYLON spray on the left side. Perfect!
Drum roll please....tudududududududududududududududududududududududududududuh....
Ta Da!
Keith suggested using mirror holders to attach it to the coop, he did all the leveling and screw-driving, while I held the board up. It was HEAVY!
And there you have it!
I noticed on the barn quilt site that the quilt squares have names, some are very descriptive, others are whimsical.
Ours should have a name too.
We have been tossing around geeky astro-physics names like "Big Bang", "Eclipsed Sun", "Singularity","Sol",etc.
If anyone has a name suggestion for this creation we would love to hear it!