Thursday, May 31, 2012

This Year's Garden

It's going to be a great year for our garden! Keith really busted his behind to clear the area, put down weed mat and mulch, and build new boxes.
We even had some gnomes move in!
 There is a funky old rusty gate that I will paint a different color when I get the time, and we salvaged a rusty mailbox from a ditch and I use it to store my gloves and small tools. Enjoy the pics!

Funky garden gate!

Dwarf blueberry bushes in barrels with some flowers to keep them company!

There's a baby rhubarb in there, but now the petunias are showing off.

new garden boxes
This couple is swinging from a lilac branch.

Thanks Keith! You're Awesome!!!!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I love your Garden Gate